Carrie Writes
Seane Corn
Carrie Barrepski
During my twenties I felt very lost and disconnected. I had heard that
yoga was an excellent low impact exercise connecting the mind and body. I
decided to give it a try and at first I found it to be very difficult and fast paced. I
then discovered Seane’s DVD called Vynassa Flow Yoga The Body and
Beyond. It was perfect for me from the pace to the instruction. Not only did the
practice help me physically but also helped me to see the inner connection,
allowing my heart to be the center of my soul. Seane’s DVDs and lectures have
helped me find my passion while infusing my whole life with the yoga practice.
I often refer to Seane as my mentor because I follow her example of practicing
yoga on and off the mat. She has inspired me to be a disability rights activist
through my column and blog, which is my passion and purpose in life.
I am very proud to be a yogini living the yoga life style.
Seane, a native of New Jersey, discovered yoga in New York City in the
eighties. It changed her life her as she became involved in vegetarianism and
humanitarianism. She eventually moved to Los Angles to deepen her yoga
practice and to become a yoga instructor. Seane infused her yoga practice and
spiritual growth in her work as an AIDS activist. In 2007 Seane co-founded the
organization called Off The Matt Into The World that bridges the yoga community
with activism. Seane teaches us to always explore while feeling the love and
truth in everything around us. I had an opportunity to talk with Seane about yoga
and her work.
1. What does yoga mean to you?
Making connections and relationships within and outside of ourselves while
seeing love and truth in all circumstances.
2. How does yoga relate to spirituality?
It unites the mind and body working as a whole with no separation. The god
we seek is within us going outwards to see our truth and love.
3. How do you transform yoga into your daily life?
By being mindful in all activities from eating to working always practicing yoga.
4. How did you become involved in activism and how does it connect to yoga?
I was always interested in activism but yoga helps you deal with your own
issues allowing you to be more focused on helping others.
5. What is the purpose and goal of Off The Mat Into The World?
1. To bridge the gap between the yoga community and activism 2. Leadership
training to help yogis to find and define their purpose through yoga, meditation
and journaling 3. Teach organizational skills and provide resources.
6. What are your future plans?
1. Off The Mat seva Challenge in South Africa is planning to build a bakery and
halfway house while doing AIDS awareness education. 2. Off The Mat Urban
seva Challenge in LA is working with inner city kids.
7. What advice do you have for inspiring yogis and activists?
1. Take care of yourself first. 2. Work with others sharing resources.
8. What is your purpose?
To love bigger then ever possible and not to be afraid to take risks.
For more information on Seane and her work visit .